- Inventor (of stuff)
- Sysadmin (of unix)
- Book reader (of science fact, fiction and humour)
- Twirler (of self and flame)
- Swimmer (of scuba and free)
- Traveller (of planet earth)
He has stories, thoughts and ideas… of which you can read here
He also has a wiki which is his online idea and story workshop space.
…And yes, he’s also been the recipient of 1 5 27 348 countless predictable Pixar jokes since 2002. Original jokes are appreciated. But they are rare, so think hard.
His favourite punctuation to abuse is the ellipsis. Other favourite things include clothing which refects EM spectrum at a wavelength of roughly 570–580nm and people who jump.
Nemo was given the word “polyhugslut”
rather than repeat myself here, I direct you instead to the Contact page on my wik