So as hinted yesterday, GNOME2 + pekwm. Here it is, in three simple steps.
0. get pekwm (package, compile from source, whatever). duh.
1. tell gnome2 to use it. ie, set ‘pekwm’ in /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager via gconf-editor or equivalent.
2. Discover that gnome2 still doesn’t pick it up, and get an error in .xsession-errors like this:
gnome-session[2010]: WARNING: Unable to find provider 'pekwm' of required component 'windowmanager'
Solve by creating $HOME/.config/autostart/pekwm.desktop with the following (or similar)…
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=/usr/local/bin/pekwm Hidden=false X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true Name[en_AU]=Window Manager Name=Window Manager Comment[en_AU]=our windowmanager Comment=our windowmanager
3. Make sure your own pekwm configuration is in $HOME/.pekwm too
note: at work I have this setup, but against ‘mate’. Thus: /desktop/mate/session/required_components/windowmanager, and /usr/share/applications/pekwm.desktop with content of:
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=pekwm Exec=pekwm NoDisplay=true # name of loadable control center module X-MATE-WMSettingsModule=pekwm # name we put on the WM spec check window X-MATE-WMName=Pekwm # back compat only X-MateWMSettingsLibrary=pekwm X-MATE-Autostart-Phase=WindowManager X-MATE-Provides=windowmanager X-MATE-Autostart-Notify=true
No, I don’t know how I got either of those pekwm.desktop files. I think with mate, I copied a different one, and tuned to pekwm. With my newer (oddly) gnome2 setup, it magiced in somehow when I was testing with a test account…